Thursday 7 January 2010

15. Pink Hair Theorem!

Now I represent one of my social sciences theorem!

While commenting Sonja's post about harrestment in Turkey and how people mark you as 'something' very fast, I rememberd my observations about the quality of harrestment you get before and after having fancy coloured hair.

2 or 3 summers before, I dyed a little part of my hair in pink. And I was going to OSS lessons in Kadıköy, while I transport on feet, orally harrestments were increadbly annoying. As I'm blonde and young looking girl, they feel like I'm a very easy pray for them. Sometimes even they came and talked me in English as if I'm a tourist looking for help -and probably I know İstanbul better then all!- !?

But right after I dye my hair in pink, I realise a decrease in harresments. The boys who were finding a blonde little girl attractive, were not that much interested with a crazy haired teenager.

They still talked after me but they were not annoying me with their words a lot, I give it a chance that maybe they got scared of me or smth.

But this change made me understand that, you can mark yourself by doing 'anything' including doing nothing with your body or attitude as a woman. But men are still having an easier life by adapting into society with their unmarked apperarences.

That was my first experience as a social resercher. : ) Turkey is a great field for humanistic material! Isn't it?

ps.I found a visual example to make you understand how my hair looked those times. I didn' have my own photos so you have to imagine me instead of this funny expresioned woman. Good luck with that! (What a 'killing us softly look' on her face! : P )

14. Time Flies!

Retrieved from

Today was a bit emotional. Even if we are not going anywhere far, or different; the endings are always sad. But I'm relieved that we spent our time with good work and I felt my improvement as a foreign english speaker and writer.
Firstly, my illitracy on APA format and acedemic writing is not so deep anymore. As I didn't take foundation year programme, ENG 101 was a life saver for other courses such as SPS.
The topics for that course was very popular ones -media and gender- and the focuses we made by our resources were good shots. As I'm such a person that makes observations on the facts happened around me, ENG 101 become the place where I can utter them. Blogs were also very helpful to express our opinions, by the time you start to feel like 'That event would look good on my blog!' kind of person.
By the way, time flies so fast that my possible semester countdown started ticking. ( 1/8 )! However as an experienced freshman, I can express that ENG 101 was the course that helped me become a real university responsible and learn how to be a collage student. I'm still learning. But It is fun with learning Sonja! Thanks for everyting to her and all my classmates from this semester!
See you around campus! : )

12.In Class Exam.. ?!?

Well, I can't belive that it has been 2 days from now on to exam!
I wanted to share my experience till it is still fresh!
-by that, I realise that we would not be fully fresh (freshman) anymore as there will be new irregular students evaluating, luckily they are not outsiders. : ) -
Firstly I stuck in between deciding to choose which one of the question I can explain better, and how can I combine my examples from each text and movie. It took my 15 minutes, unfortunetly.
Then I had hard time in using pen, the pressure for not making any mistake kind of bothered me. But I dealed with it by the time. - I was dying to draw pictures, pen always motivates me on that. -
Generally I didn't like writing with limited time. Because it limits my creativity, I can't find my interesting examples very easily, I guess.
Anyways, I'm happy that it's gone.

13.Bornova Bornova, Masculinity All Over the Place Again!

Today, I watched the movie named 'Bornova Bornova'. It was subjecting a young men as a protogonist, and his love for a girl and his relationship with a older man from same neighborhood. Their relationship and older boy's advises were all about having tough guise and more about manhood,.We learn strange facts about the characters that makes them easily remarkable with their point of view for masculinity.
Firstly, I thought that I have started to understand my life through ENG101. And watching movie instead of writing new blog posts caused some hallucination! But luckly, this movie was also making social observations that talks about male gender problems.
I think I'm only lucky that I watched what I needed.
I recommend the movie to everyone. It had too many dialogues but also good structure for them that you can keep up and not get bored.

'Observing everything as a blog' subject first, will be my next blog topic!
See you there ; )

Monday 4 January 2010

11.Monday Morning Shock!

Today (That was monday!! -late post-) when I visit sucourse I felt a bit depressed, the home page for ENG101 was changed. I felt very worried and sorry for my blog that I always think about writing on it however I couldn't manage my time well for blogging.! : (
I will try my best for posting the last ones that I wished before, till 'official' due.

ready, steady, go!